Vicious cycle into Virtuous cycle

How do we start a Virtuous cycle?

We want to get the wheel turning, right? Imagine the wheel like the one below:  

virtuous cycle


This is true, but the piece that is often neglected is the wheel is absolutely useless without the axel, to spin on. This axle, in my opinion, is your center; that deep, quiet place within all of us where your core values and beliefs reside.


Keep this in the middle and everything else will spin, build   momentum and create a positive spiral in your life.


Its’ all about balance, but most of us get pulled into the externalities of our lives, and this messes with our ability to follow through with meaningful goals in our lives. A little diagram to help illustrate


Deep Values

OK, so it’s a crap diagram! But here are the important points to remember:




We are just directing it in different directions. You get clear on what you want and eradicate competing drives and you are the most motivated person around. To go back to the wheel analogy- it’s like getting a wheel alignment.



Trying to drive a car with its wheels out of alignment is a major hassle. Getting pulled this way and that way. To keep the wheel spinning on the center axle we need to check in every day, just like you would check your fuel gauge or speedometer, to make sure you are tracking ok.


The good news is the more you stay in the center the more the center stays with you. It’s like building muscle. It takes a little work at the start but maintaining it is a whole lot easier.





We have talked about the benefits, now its time to get applying the theory! Next are the steps to follow to build your momentum!




Think of the above like your axle in the middle surrounded by bearings that are going to help it stay spinning freely.


These bearings are:


Structured flow

Quiet time

Relaxation exercises

Physical alignment


Structured flow


You talked about getting a new hobby. Writing perhaps? Get started! We can use some of the flow structure to set goals and make this task as easy and engaging as possible.

Journaling during this process is very helpful to reflect and notice and articulate changes as they occur. Food for thought.

   What else do you do that you find yourself losing track of time? Walking? Doing taxes? Ironing?!! 


Quiet time-


Walk quickly then slow down into a mindful walk


Or find time to do whatever you are doing mindfully that could be: washing the dishes, driving the car, brushing teeth, sipping tea!


Relaxation exercises-


Progressive Muscular Relaxation (PMR)


Try this exercise for 8 minutes or longer each day. Find a time and make an effort to be consistent for two weeks.


10 second breath

Your aim is to slowly extend your inhalation and exhalation. Don’t try and do 10 seconds straight away! Start with 3sec in and 3 sec out, this is a great place to start. As you relax your body will sloly allow longer, slower breaths. Work with the breath, don’t try and control it. Allow the breath to become longer and more gentle. Count each breath. See if you can get to ten breaths

without running off with your thoughts. Its not easy! If you have a thought or feeling, just notice it and come back to the primary focus, the breath.


Physical alignment

Book a session today to receive a complete assessment tailored to your biomechanics to help you get in your flow. What follows below is a set of exercises designed to combat the common restrictions that most people present in the clinic with due to office based posture:

Foam roll spine, thoracic extension, kind of like this guys first video



Pectoralis stretch… like this, but with weights

chest stretch foam roller

And stretch your calves!


1. Soleus stretch (deeper calf muscle, you will feel it lower down towards your ankle)

soleus stretch 1
Soleus stretch 2



2. Gastrocnemious (superficial calf muscle)






Ok, so these are the things that will help. So, how are you going to integrate these things into your day? It doesn’t need to be much, but it needs to be daily.


Structured flow- Writing, journaling… other

Quiet time- Mindful daily activities

Relaxation exercises- PMR and 10 second breaths

Physical alignment- Stretches and foam roller