Herbal medicines and supplements
Herbal medicines generally are used to help correct imbalances within your physiology. Chinese medicine utilises a complex holistic framework that recognises certain patterns inherent in your physiology that form the basis for herbal medicine and nutritional supplementation that aims to correct these imbalances and bring about optimal functioning.
To find out more, and to book a consultation, please click this link.
You may, for instance, be diagnosed with 'excessive internal heat' and another environmental factor that is common place in the Chinese culture, of 'excessive dampness'. This pattern would be characterised by a feeling of heaviness, red tongue with yellow coating, sensation of heat and irritability, a rapid pulse and possibly a frontal headache. You now when you might have experienced this pattern before? Think hangover.
Yes, there is a Chinese medicine formula for this condition, however having excessive damp-heat is not only brought about by drinking to much booze, but I'm going to keep this short. The point is, that there is a herbal formula that can addresses not only the symptoms of this presentation but correct the underlying pattern that gives rise to these symptoms. Jesus, not everyone is going to contact me looking for hangover formulas.
So here is a snapshot of other conditions that respond well to herbal medicine supplementation:
Insomnia and fatigue
Loss of appetite and common digestive disorders
Constipation and diarrhoea
Irritable bowel syndrome
Common cold and influenza
Chronic headaches
Skin disorders
Fluid retention
Anxiety, depression and stress
Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
Premenstrual syndrome and painful menstruation
Excessive menstruation
Impotence and prostate disorders
Disorders associated with menopause
If you are interested in a consultation please contact me to make an appointment.