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Coaching is still a largely unregulated field with a wide range of practices and approaches being called 'coaching' in the marketplace.
Just as Tiger Woods and other world champions teams have coaches, so too can you benefit from the guidance of a coach in the pursuit of performance and satisfaction within your personal and work life. By careful questioning and the use of other skills, a coach can substantially assist you to improve many areas of your life, reach your goals and become truly happy.
Coaching, therefore, can be defined as an interaction aimed at helping you to define and then to achieve goals. Coaching can help you improve your performance and move towards greater success. Effective coaching occurs within a problem-solving, solution-focused context.
Corporate Coaching is primarily aimed at improving the quality of an executive’s working and personal life. In most cases, the aim is to work towards, and then maintain meaningful behavioural and attitudinal change. This is achieved in a collaborative and supportive environment, structured to ensure the time is used productively and efficiently, but individualised to suit an executive’s personality and goals.
Within this broad framework, executive coaching can occur at many different levels and can involve a range of “interventions” or programs. For some executives, it might involve a predominately personal focus including, among other things, training in effective communication, problem solving, time management, leadership development, and delegation skills. For others, it might also involve working with the executive’s colleagues or team to achieve greater efficiency and productivity.
I use evidence based approaches based on Coaching psychology, Positive psychology, Sports psychology and Health psychology. These bodies of literature contain a number of models that help to provide valuable perspectives and structure when looking to enhance performance or satisfaction within any domain within ones life.
Exercise, moving and using your body makes your life come alive. In my opinion, its not about having the biggest biceps, but its about getting fitness and health into your life that increases your enjoyment of all the other areas of your life. It truly does. You feel more alive. This is th e modest satisfying part of my life and reason I developed the systems that underpin in the flow.
Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used for millennia to successfully treat a range of ailments. Now, if you are looking at this page and haven't tried acupuncture- give me a call. I have a Bachelors degree from UTS and have studied in both China and Japan.
It is so easy to get caught in a vicious circle, a negative spiral of health behaviours. You sleep in, don't feel like exercising, eat bad foods and stimulants, stay up late, sleep in… you know what I am talking about. In the flow health coaching is about creating a virtuous circle, a positive spiral. Where you gain momentum, and the effects flow out into the other areas of our lives; more energy to perform, develop meaningful relationships and flourish as an individual.
As much as popular culture would like to have us believe it, no man is an island; everyone is highly influenced by their environment and peer group.
The opportunity that lies within organisations is the creation of a
Within an organisation the benefits of this kind of investment are two fold
1- The legitimate outcomes. These are increased performance, increased cohesion, decreased sick days, less absenteeism. more engaged staff, better communication.
2- The cultural effect. This is really the business. Here people form bonds in new ways, how people support each other and refine the interpersonal dynamics in supporting each others attempts and performance.
Contact me and I will be happy to come to your organisation and discuss the different ways we could work together to create a positive effect within your workplace.
Here are some descriptions of what kind of programs are available:
In the flow has operated a functional rehabilitation centre for over a decade. Treating many world class athletes and teams, the specialisation is restoring functional pain free biomechanics.
Treatment modalities include:
Muscle Energy Technique (MET)
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
Myofascial release
Remedial Massage
Thai massage
Please contact to arrange an appointment at either Naremburn or Alexandria locations
Further reading!
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For those short of time seeking a massage, click below to make an appointment!
Click here to make an appointment, call directly or email and you will receive a prompt response.
While influenced by a number of approaches such as Shiatsu, Tuina (Chinese Remedial Massage), Thai massage and Western remedial massage. The basis of much of my bodywork is based on Myofascial therapy and the work of Ida Rolf as well as the work of Thomas Myers, author of the book Anatomy Trains.
The basic of this approach is two fold.
1) Our body is a complex system of interconnected lines of force transmitted through myofascial meridians. Have you ever seen how a breast fillet of chicken has a filmy white layer on it's outer surface? This is fascia, it covers every muscle in our bodies as well. Fascia has more collagen fibres within its makeup, giving it more structural integrity and less elasticity than muscle. The idea of working with fascia is to change the shape of the fascia envelopes that are influencing the relationship and function of your muscles and joints.
2) To be cont'd
Herbal medicines generally are used to help correct imbalances within your physiology. Chinese medicine utilises a complex holistic framework that recognises certain patterns inherent in your physiology that form the basis for herbal medicine and nutritional supplementation that aims to correct these imbalances and bring about optimal functioning.
To find out more, and to book a consultation, please click this link.
You may, for instance, be diagnosed with 'excessive internal heat' and another environmental factor that is common place in the Chinese culture, of 'excessive dampness'. This pattern would be characterised by a feeling of heaviness, red tongue with yellow coating, sensation of heat and irritability, a rapid pulse and possibly a frontal headache. You now when you might have experienced this pattern before? Think hangover.
Yes, there is a Chinese medicine formula for this condition, however having excessive damp-heat is not only brought about by drinking to much booze, but I'm going to keep this short. The point is, that there is a herbal formula that can addresses not only the symptoms of this presentation but correct the underlying pattern that gives rise to these symptoms. Jesus, not everyone is going to contact me looking for hangover formulas.
So here is a snapshot of other conditions that respond well to herbal medicine supplementation:
Insomnia and fatigue
Loss of appetite and common digestive disorders
Constipation and diarrhoea
Irritable bowel syndrome
Common cold and influenza
Chronic headaches
Skin disorders
Fluid retention
Anxiety, depression and stress
Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
Premenstrual syndrome and painful menstruation
Excessive menstruation
Impotence and prostate disorders
Disorders associated with menopause
If you are interested in a consultation please contact me to make an appointment.